
In the small villages of Ardfert, Fenit or Spa there are pubs and restaurants - there are some delightful restaurants to discover! The vibrant city of Tralee with shops and many activities is only 12 kilometers east of the house. Enjoy an evening at the Siamsa Tire National Folk Theater or place a bet on the dog track.


The beautiful harbor town of Dingle is 60 kilometers east and Killarney with the famous Killarney National Park 50 kilometers south.

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Nearby airport

Fly from Dublin, London Luton, London Stansted, Frankfurt Hahn, Berlin, Faro or Alicante directly to International Kerry Airport. The airport is only 35 minutes from the house.


Ryanair www.ryanair.com
Aer Lingus www.aerlingus.com

Car rental:


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